Tuesday, 30 May 2017

DIY self-care box

A self-soothe box, a happy box, a mental health box; call it what you like, these boxes have one purpose and that purpose is to cheer you up when you’re in a down and out slump. It’s an “I love you” to yourself – Something for you to create with the knowledge that it’s going to help you one day. This is such a great resource for you to have at your fingertips and it’s SO easy for you to make.
Let’s face it, we all have our down days and we all need cheering up; this is a great way for you to be your own bestfriend and look after yourself in those moments.

To help you, I decided to put this post together which includes the ‘top eight must haves’ for your self-soothe box. Now, before we start on what’s going in your box, you need to actually have a box. Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere (promise). I’ll just pop and make a coffee whilst you go and find the box that you’re going to use, this can be a shoe box, a gift box; Literally anything. Go get creative.

1.       The first thing that you want to see when you open your ‘Self-Soothe Box’ is a ‘Self-Care List’. Why? You might ask. Well, having something that’s quick and easy to read when you’re not feeling too good is probably the most efficient way to lifting your emotions back up again. Having a list that has quick bullet point ideas for you to scan through and pick an idea from is not only quick but, you’re going to be more inclined to actually do one of your ideas. Some of the things that you could include are: Have a bubble bath, go on a walk, experiment with make-up, have a DIY spa night etc.. The best thing is that you can doodle all over your list and make it look pretty, any excuse to get creative, right? Right.

2.       Who doesn’t love play-doh? My feelings are going to be seriously hurt if you don’t because it’s one of the best inventions EVER. Sometimes, when I’m sad, I get very restless and agitated – I just can’t sit still. So, having something to play with in my hands gives me something to do and distracts my mind from the issue at hand. We all know that stress balls have this same effect and to me, play-doh is much better as you can fiddle with it as well as sculpting something creative. If you can, I’d recommend having blue play-doh as blue is a very calming colour. The colour itself represents the mind and is very soothing. Perfect for a self-soothe box.

3.       The next thing you’re going to need is to throw in some of your favourite memories, the purpose of this is to remind you of the good times that you’ve had and that you’ve still got plenty of good times to come. It kind of reminds you that the sadness you’re feeling isn’t permanent and that things do get better (trust me, they really do). Some of the memories that I have in my box are: Photos, concert tickets and a letter from my boyfriend. There are so many different things you can use to remind you of your good times such as: Plane tickets, receipts, awards, certificates, an item of clothing… The list is endless. Memories are personal to you and only you know what will work best for this idea.

4.       I have letters and notes to myself in my box as well as empty envelops for me to write even more letters to myself. I love having letters to myself, especially when I’m in a really sad place as I can read helpful little notes that I’ve wrote for my future self, coming from a point of happiness. Some of the letters I have are “Read me when you hit rock bottom”, “Read me when your heart feels like it’s breaking”, “Read me when nothing is going right”, “Read me when you feel like a failure”. This tip is a very important one as I find its most helpful for me. If you’ve not got any letters to put in your box then you’ve got all the more reason to get writing and get helping yourself.

5.       I know that not everyone reading this will have this book but, you don’t need this particular book. However, what you do need is a self-help book or something along the lines. Having a self-help book will give you something to read through and take notes from. It gives you another person’s perspective and it’s kind of like having a little guardian angel in your box to help you through this hard time. The book that I have is called “The Balance Book”, it’s by Hannah Snowdon and Anastasia Tasou; I love this book. It’s filled with lots of little tips and tricks on how to give and receive love to others and to yourself. It’s all about the positive energy that you can put out into the universe which is very motivating for my not so happy times.

6.       A reading book. The book of my choice is “The Perks of being a Wallflower” but of course, you can have any choice of book. The reason I’m putting this down on my list is because a book ignites imagination and is the best form of escapism. Sometimes, when you feel really sad you’re not quite ready to face up to those issues so, instead you can read a book and have the life of another character going on in your head – Giving you an alternative to think about.

7.       In my box I have an embroidery kit and some activity sheets. The reason for the embroidery kit is quite like that of the play-doh, it gives you something to do with your hands as well as giving you a source of creativity. There’s many self-hateful and self-destructive things we can do to ourselves when we’re sad so, why not channel that energy into something creative? I really advise having activity sheets in your box as they’re quick and easy to do and give your mind a five minute break. Activity sheets could be anything from writing a list to planning your future. I've gathered some activity sheets for you here, here and here.

8.       The final thing that you need to include in your self-soothe box is a colouring book with your preference of what you want to use to colour, that could be: crayons, pencils, paint, pens etc.. Colouring is a great thing to do to calm the thoughts rushing around your head and again, channel your emotions into creativity. It’s been found that colouring helps with boredom, lack of structure and stress. As well as this, it can really help you if you suffer from PTSD or/and anxiety. It also utilises the area of your brain that enhances concentration. If they’re not enough reason to prove to you that colouring is the perfect soothing activity then you definitely need to try it.

That’s it for my list of things that you can include in your self-soothe box. Of course, you don’t have to use them all and you can add your own ideas of which I would love to hear in the comments because, I want to make my box the best and happiest it can be. I’d love to hear how you get on.
Thank you so much for reading, make sure to check out my blog next Tuesday for a new post.

Chloe x


Get the look: Polyvore

When I was about thirteen, I used to write fan-fictions (haha). Honestly, they are so funny for me to read back. Anyway, the thing that I used to enjoy the most about writing fan-fictions was making outfits for characters using polyvore. So, I decided that I'd use polyvore to create some of my dream outfits and to also give you a bit of inspiration. I had so much fun doing this and I really hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoyed making them.

                                                                    Black and Red

I love this outfit SO much. I think that all black outfits pretty much always look amazing but adding a pop of colour, such as red can really make all the difference and give your outfit a bit of edge. I kept this outfit simple with black skinny jeans and also a simple black crop top. I haven't gone for excessive jewellery as jewellery wasn't the thing that I wanted to make a statement. The statement items I've chosen are the patent block heels (I need them in my life right now) and of course, the read leather jacket. I have one very similar to this and I like to style it over my shoulders instead of wearing it like an actual jacket. I love the little Gucci clutch, I think it's beautiful. I wanted it to have a pop of red so that there was a theme running through this outfit.

If I was going to wear this outfit anywhere, it would be for a city break in London. I can imagine shopping in this outfit. I love it.


I love, love, love this look. I wanted to keep it really casual and basic, hence the lack of jewellery. It's a very simple outfit but I also think it's still really stylish. I love the colour of the jumper as well as the knit, it looks heavy and really good quality. I think it would fit well. The skirt is my favourite part about this look, I think it makes it iconic but also has a ring of innocence about it. It's so detailed, it looks like a piece of artwork. It's a seriously beautiful skirt but it's Gucci so I don't think it's going to be in my wardrobe anytime soon (haha). I then added an orange rucksack and baseball cap to try and help a theme flow through it.

I think I would wear this outfit to go on a lunch date or maybe to grab a coffee. Either way, I love it so much.

                                                                   Festival fashion
I created this look knowing that I wanted to make something I would wear to a festival like Creamfields, as it's the festival at the top of my list to go to. I love this look. I think it's very simple and pretty, it's very feminine but it's still perfect for a festival look. I think the shorts are adorable, I love how they have the detailing at the top - I've never seen that on a pair of shorts before and I really feel it makes all the difference. I decided that the colour I wanted to run throughout the outfit was a nude pinky colour hence the pink timberlands, nude glasses and sun hat. My favourite item in this look is the bralette, I'm all about pretty lace bralettes at the moment. They really are a girls best friend, am I right ladies?? I also love the matching flower earrings and necklace. They're gorgeous.

    Night Out
Now this look is probably my favourite out of all the looks that I created. It's just amazing and I would thoroughly enjoy wearing this on a night out. If only (haha). Again, the skirt is Gucci but, isn't is beautiful? It is so detailed, everything from the flowers to the pleats and the studs and the little belt have been thought out very well and you can really tell. The skirt is such a statement that I couldn't pair it with any other patterned pieces cause that would completely clash. So, I thought this simple bralette would be the perfect item to accompany with it - Making the outfit really come together. As you can see, there is gold on the skirt which meant that I had to pick gold jewellery. I love how the jewellery seems to match, especially the choker and earrings.
I just think it's a well coordinated outfit and every fashion girls' dream.
Thank you so much for reading, once again - I really do appreciate it. I would love to hear your thoughts on these outfits. What do you like about them and is there anything you'd change? Or, if you leave a link I will check out your outfits on polyvore.
See you next Tuesday!
- C

Monday, 22 May 2017

7 ways to live a happier life

Happiness? Everyone wants it - EVERYONE. Yet, I think the problem is that we see happiness as a concept, as an idea. If good things are going on in our lives then we will be happy but, that's not the case. Often, things can go wrong in our lives and we can find ourselves feeling sad and down. The thing is, we can't control what is going on around us but, the good thing is; we can control how we react to what happens to us meaning we are in control of our own happiness. Say that to yourself, right now. "I'm in control of my own happiness" - Empowering, isn't it?

So, do you want to be a happier person?

If you answered yes then great because I've put a list together of all the little things you can start doing to become a happier person.
1. Journaling
Journaling is the number one thing that I would recommend to everyone on this entire Earth if I could. I've kept a diary since I was 13 years old and it's the best thing ever as I now have all of those memories to look back on. Yet, I've it's only been in the past 2-3 years that I've realised just how much comfort a journal can bring. Honestly, I promise you - Keeping a journal is going to be so beneficial for you and it will improve your life. It's somewhere to jot thoughts that are filling your brain and in the process of that you really discover and connect with yourself.
You don't necessarily have to do it every single day, just write when you feel the urge to write. One thing I will say is that the more you write, the more that urge comes.
    2. Practice gratitude  
Practicing gratitude is a really good way to become a lot happier with the things that you have rather than sad over what you don't have. I like to do this through writing down "3 things I'm grateful for" every day (or at least, I try to every day). It really makes you appreciate the little things in life; maybe it's the fact someone smiled at you today or even how the fresh air felt against your skin. No matter what, giving gratitude to the things that make you feel happy will make you notice even more things that make you happy thus causing a general feeling of more happiness in your life.
   3. Affirmations
Affirmations are a great way to help you grow more belief and confidence in yourself and aspects in your life that you're not so happy about. For instance, if you feel like you're not very good at your job you could say affirmations like: "My skills are needed in my work place", "I am good at what I do", "I am a hard worker that will achieve". Honestly, I can't put into words how much affirmations have been helping me boost my confidence and if you're confident in yourself then you're of course going to be a lot happier in yourself. Even if you don't believe what you're saying to yourself, just say it and they will soon begin to sink in and help you succeed in life.

  4. Sun Salutation
Something that I've really been trying to bring into my routine recently is 'Sun Salutation' which is a series of 12 yoga stretches that you do in the most preferably in the mornings (there is one for night time, called 'Moon Salutation'). There are a lot of benefits for the 'Sun Salutation' which are: it improves blood circulation through the body, maintains health and many, many more. As well as that, it's a great stretch.

I've included a picture above in case you're interested in practicing it.

5. Positive thoughts

Never, ever underestimate the power of positive thoughts. The best way to actually realise how much power your thoughts have over your happiness is to tune into them and be conscious of how they make you feel. Do you know them days that you just don't feel good about yourself, you hate how your make-up looks, you don't like your outfit and you just don't feel good about yourself. You spend that whole day feeling insecure. So, imagine if you turn could turn those negative thoughts into positive ones, just think how much more happier you could be.

I will do a whole post on this topic because I think it deserves it but for now, just start being more conscious of what you're thinking and how it's effecting you.

  6. Exercise

Exercise is a big one. Firstly, it releases endorphins which make you feel happy. It gives you more energy and for me, it really clears my head and makes me feel good about myself. You don't have to do much, you could just do a ten minute workout every day or even just do 30 crunches when you wake up. Don't feel bad for not doing much, feel happy that you're taking time to do something to better your happiness.

  7. Fresh air

I don't know about you but I definitely notice I feel less happy if I'm constantly staying inside cooped up. So, I've been making an effort to go outside and do something every single day which has really increased my happiness. You don't have to do much, maybe you could pop to the shop to get some coffee or go out on a walk. If you're not feeling up to going outside then just stick your head out of a window and breathe the fresh air in. No matter what, make sure that you feel that air everyday. It's seriously good for you.

Thank you so much for reading, I really appreciate it. This is my first lifestyle post and I've really enjoyed writing it, I'm excited to start writing even more of them. I hope that these tips have helped you and would love to hear about how you're getting on with them.

- C

P. S - I also have bloglovin, you can follow me here if you like. I also have an email subscription so you can get notified every time I write a new post.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

How to: Dress like a #GIRLBOSS

I was going to write a more lifestyle based post this week. I've been racking my brain about what I could write, maybe something about happiness or just general chit chat BUT I couldn't decide. All of my 'wondering thoughts' came to a halt the other day when I started watching the Netflix show '#GIRLBOSS' which is based on Sophia Amoruso, owner of Nasty Gal. My reason for this is because my eyes have literally been the heart eye emoji throughout watching it (haha), I am thoroughly in love with all of her looks in the show. She truly rocks everything she wears and so I decided that I have to share some of them looks with you.

If you haven't watched it then I'd definitely suggest it, it's going to make you motivated and bring out your inner girl boss as well as giving you lots of new outfits and style ideas.

 Lets talk about these heels/boots. Aren't they amazing? I love the black leather look with the solid wooden heel. The contrast between the two colours as well as textures goes perfectly together. Since laying my eyes on these shoes I've come to the conclusion that they're a staple item that EVERYONE needs. I can't be the only one that feels more confident in a pair of heels yet, I think these heels would make anyone be filled with confident. Looking to make pathways into your own personal runway? Then invest in shoes like these.

Throughout the programme, Sophia is constantly in red trousers and if she's not in red trousers she's in a pair of flares. Ahhh, if you've watched it you'll know how well she pulls off the look; especially the red trouser look. It becomes an iconic look throughout the show, very simple but also very edgy and intense.

Look. At. This. Jacket. It's vintage, it's colourful, it's different - It's everything a jacket should be and doesn't she pull it off so well? I love how she's styled it here, she looks like an edgy rock chick. The worn in shorts, no t-shirt underneath - It's so well thought out yet it looks like she's just thrown it together, isn't that what we all want from an outfit?

I think this is one of my favourite looks so far (I'm halfway through so that may change). I don't know about you but the turquoise bomber jacket is something my parents would have definitely dressed me in when I was little except it wouldn't be so fashionable because they'd pair it with matching trousers (I need to find a photo). The point I'm getting at is that Sophia has made me want something that I would have worn when I was little, just through how well styled it is. She carries it so well with a criss cross crop top and some flares. Talk about to die for, uhhhhhh.

This is also one of my favourite looks that I've seen so far. I've seen many jumpsuits in my 18 years but wow, wow, wow. This one tops the lot. It's a completely denim jumpsuit that ties around the waist AND zips up at the front. I mean talk about a perfect creation. The thing that I loved about this look is how it makes her look like a woman on a mission, she looks like she's going places in this jumpsuit.

 Well, look at this little beauty. A vintage Gucci jumper. Honestly, I'd be one happy girl if I was in a vintage shop and I found this little number and I bet you would be too. It's super casual but it still just screams 'style, style, style'. I'm seriously crushing on this.

 I don't know how to start this because I feel like I've said "I love this look" about one hundred million times but, I really do love this look. Underwear as a bikini? Yes please. It looks better than all of the bikinis I own as the pretty lace makes for much more of an intricate design giving it a lovely feminine feel. I like how she hasn't gone for matching underwear yet, the way the colours contrast and flow really makes it look like it's meant to go together. I need to try this look out.

Thank you so much for reading, I really appreciate it SOOOO much. Any comments giving me some advice or telling me your opinion are also greatly appreciated. What do you think of #GIRLBOSS?

Hopefully I'll be dropping a lifestyle post this time next week but who knows? I may get a crazy urge to write about clothes again so expect the unexpected.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

How To: Dress Like a Style Icon

So, it's currently 1:30am and I'm sat nursing a cold whilst inhaling steam from a mug with "chocolate heaven" written across it. Seriously, the weather has been beautiful in England lately and lets not forget the fact it's May aka spring yet, I still wind up with a cold. I've been planning this post and was going to write it upon waking in the morning but, thanks to this cold, here I am. Hey.

As you've probably guessed by the title, today I'm going to be showing you how to dress like a style icon. In my opinion, personal style is an important thing and it's something that everyone has even nit they're not necessarily seen as "fashionable". I see my personal style as art, it's my creative outlet and a form of expressing who I am. Sure, I get a lot of ideas from stalking instagram and pinterest for outfit ideas and of course, there's certain people whose outfits I never fail to love.

So, it's time for me to show you my style icons and share some tips on how to dress like a style icon.

Vanessa HudgensSinger & Actress  Instagram - @vanessahudgens

My first icon of choice is Vanessa Hudgens and I'm sure I don't really need to explain why. Her looks are effortless and always so well coordinated. She uses simple patterns, as you can see with the polka dot dress which overflows with vintage vibes. As you can see, she's not afraid of vibrant colours; this girl really knows how to work a yellow. She knows her colour pallets and she knows the best way to make a colour pop is to have it against a simple background, here she uses white - Her outfits are put together so well.

Overall, her style is bohemian/hippy chic and everyone in the world knows this (maybe a slight over exaggeration).

TIP #1 Have an established style and own it.

I love all of her outfits here, especially the pretty detailed dress. It's very feminine. The thing that I like about all of these outfits is what she's thrown over them; grandpa style cardigans. They're nothing special, they're very simple in fact but they really do make the outfit.

TIP #2 Throw a cardigan over your outfit and sometimes have it draped over your shoulders instead of wearing it properly.

Actress & Singer  Instagram - @Zendaya
My second icon of choice is Zendaya and seriously, is it any wonder why? I feel like a school girl saying this but, she just looks SO cool. I feel like she goes for very comfy outfits, outfits that are casual and chill but she owns them in her own way. She isn't scared of a little bit of experimentation with clashing patterns as you can see with her cheetah patterned baseball cap and camo trousers. Doesn't she pull off cameo so well? She also has her own clothing line called "Daya by Zendaya" which gives me even more need to make her a style icon.

TIP #3 Don't be afraid to experiment with clashing patterns.

The thing that I love about Zendaya's style is that she's got a very chill and casual look to her and then BAM out of nowhere comes this look. I mean look at her she looks like an earthly goddess in this mustard yellow scarlett trimmed Dolce & Gabbana gown. She looks so iconic. I love the parrots and the flowers, everything about this look is amazing.
Jessica Anne Woodley
Former MIC star  Instagram - @jessicaannewoodley
Jessica's style is very similar to Zendaya's in terms of the casualness and often wearing flats etc... However, I feel that Jess has a bit more edge to her style and even though her outfits are casual they stand out a lot, just from the way she carries them. She uses very simple colours and patterns but definitely isn't afraid to experiment with a more "wild style".
One of the coolest things about Jessica's style is her use of fur coats (check out her insta, they're everywhere). Her fur coats are where she ups her style game, it's where she takes her casual outfits to the next level of glamour. From high street to cat walk. The best thing is that she wears them so often that they've become "her thing".
TIP #4 Find an accessories you like, experiment with it and make it "your thing". Write your name all over it.
That's all from me today, I hope you enjoyed the post and got some ideas from it. I'm going to try and somehow put up with this blocked nose, wish me luck.
Thank you so much for reading, Chloe x

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

My Spring Style Wishlist

What better way to spend a warm spring evening than to longingly lust after pretty spring clothes? I’ve got that ever familiar feeling of “spring fashion fever”, that we all know and love. I just can’t help dreaming about pretty outfits and cute little sundresses. I absolutely LOVE seasonal fashion; there’s something about being able to update your wardrobe four times a year that’s unsurprisingly satisfying. Spring has brought along blossoming ideas in terms of clothing ideas for myself so, I took to Missguided and put together a wishlist to make all my fashion dreams come true.
This spring style guide is going to help you get some new ideas to spice up and rejuvenate your wardrobe, ready for this beautiful season. You ready? Let’s go.

                                                                 Blue Flared Sleeve Bodysuit
Isn’t this bodysuit just gorgeous? I think it’s the perfect thing to wear of a spring evening as even though it’s getting warmer there is often that nip of cold – Solve it with this perfect spring bodysuit. It’s a lovely baby blue with the most feminine ties around the wrists. SERIOUSLY; What’s not to love? It’s quite vintage and retro which I really feel gives you that “spring spice” to your outfit.
Shop this look here.

                                                                      Yellow Bardot Dress
This dress has got to be one of my most loved items on this list, it just springs spring. Everything about it gives off warm sunny vibes which is what spring is all about. I love how it’s very much giving an aroma of festival vibes yet, it’s still got that witchy hippy look (I’m always down for that look). Everything from the colour to the ruffles and the cute little tassel hanging from the neckline brings this dress together making it casual but also a statement piece.
Shop this look here.

                                                                         White Blouse
Yes, I’ve captioned this a “white blouse” but really, it’s anything but. This is so much more than merely a white blouse and the whole ensemble comes together so well. Anyone else feeling the vintage vibes? It’s still casual which I love but, it definitely has a little edge to it which is always good. I personally love the cold shoulders and the flared cuffs. This is something both you and me need in our wardrobe.
Shop this look here.

                                                                          Pink Trousers
Aren’t these just the most amazing trousers you’ve ever seen? Or, definitely up there. These would be perfect for cocktails on a warm spring evening. They’re so cute but, they’ve got a certain sense of attitude to them. I love the flowy-ness the satin material creates and the pink is such a nice shade.
Shop this look here.

                                                                      Nude brogues
I love this twist on the classic brogue. I think the zip just creates something different about the shoe but, the patent nude combined with the wooden sole makes these effortlessly classy. They have a very subtle feminine twist to them and I think they’d look so nice with cigarette trousers or with a full knee length skirt.
Shop this look here.

                                                                       Embroidered shoes
I definitely saved the best until last. I absolutely love these and I wish they were in front of me right now (haha). They’re just beautiful. I mean, look at the embroidery – The pattern is so intricate and special. I’ve just had this thought but, I think they would look so nice with the yellow bardot dress. Ahh, I need that outfit in my life. Right. Now.
Shop this look here.
Thank you so much for sticking and reading this to the end, it means so much to me as this is actually my first post but hey, now you've popped along maybe you could stay for the journey? I hope I've given you some ideas and would love to hear in the comments what your current spring style is.